Found this mural in my sector. I have a lot of respect for the local artists. |
Hello Family,
This week is my companion's last
week, so we’ve been visiting lots of members and converts, and doing
lots of eating...so no complaints here!
One interesting story happened last Monday right after I
finished emailing you guys. We left the cyber to go to a branch combined Family
Home Evening activity. We didn't expect too many people to show up, however tons
came--almost the entire branch. The missionaries gave a little presentation on, "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." It went rather well. The interesting part was after we were done, and had retaken our places (we were standing
in the doorway because it was so crowded), President Comi got up to give closing remarks. Instead of announcing a closing hymn and prayer, he invited the
missionaries back up to the front to dance for everyone! (Huh??!!) He put on some
traditional\modern African music and we went ahead and gave it our best shot to
perform for everyone. We got a quite a few laughs. Good fun.
It definitely seemed odd dancing for the branch, I suppose
it is not against any rules, but it's just not something you'd imagine missionaries
doing. (Of course, to not dance, would mean we'd have to disobey our local
priesthood authority...so I suppose it'd be worse NOT to dance.) We danced about 3
minutes, then we invited the rest of the branch to come join in. Several did. Again, lots of fun.
Serving in Africa is very interesting, because the Church is
different here---not that any of the fundamental aspects are different (like priesthood authority, or doctrine), but just the way things are done is completely different.
And tons of unwritten Mormon traditions just don’t exist here. It’s
nice, I suppose its important to keep in mind that building the Church here
doesn’t necessarily mean that we are copying and pasting the Church from
As I mentioned, we’ve eaten a lot this past week with different people. Lots of patte, ingyam piléé, agbeli, etc. My convert, J--, promised to make us cat
before Elder M-- leaves, but it looks like that might not work out now--maybe sometime
in the next few weeks. We'll see.
Another thing I have noticed that is different from America, is the way people feed us here. Yes, it's less frequently and quite different foods than in the States, but what I have found is that when people feed you here, it's because
they really love you. It makes you feel really special that you, or one of your colleagues, was the one to introduce them to the gospel. Oftentimes, people
won't even want to eat with us. When they feed us, they just want to watch us eat
and be happy. And they really make a big sacrifice to do so.
It’s been special to see people saying their final farewell
to my companion (whom some of them have known for over a year). Elder M has been an awesome missionary here. I am grateful to have been able to work by his side.
Transfer calls are in: I’m remaining here in Cocotomey as the zone leader, and
I’ll be training another new American from SLC named Elder F--. I’ll meet him for
the first time tomorrow. I’m sure we will do great together. I am only slightly not so
excited about having to force myself to speak French with other Americans again
(like I did with Elder B) to help him learn the language. Overall, I’m sure it’ll be great. We will continue to have Elder P (from France) and Elder T (from Hawaii), the APs, in our apartment.
By the way, I tried to pull out a little personal
money this morning because we were going to the Art Hall for my comp. It didn’t
work, maybe you could check my account and see what is going on there.
I wasn’t really planning on getting any souvenirs, but Mom will be happy to know that I
found nativity sets at a super good prices. (Usually the merchants try to capitalize on the fact that you are a white American, and won't sell you one for less than 20,000 francs.) However, we found a guy and were able to negotiate to 7,000 francs. I figured I'd buy some sets--some for us, and for Aunt Lavinia. Not sure I'll see that price again. We will be going to Ouidah again soon, so I might try to get some African masks for you guys (they are half as expensive there).
I love you guys lots!
Elder Walls
Love the goats here in Africa! Thinking these photos would make great inspirational posters!